#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use DBI; use Google::GeoCoder::Smart; my $geo = Google::GeoCoder::Smart->new(); my $host =""; my $database =""; my $user =""; my $mysqlpassword =""; my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=$database;host=$host","$user","$mysqlpassword",{'RaiseError'=>1}); my $ctr= 0; my $sql = "SELECT * FROM sb_locations WHERE lat = \"\""; my $sth = &db_query($sql); while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { my ($num, $error, @results, $returntext) = $geo->geocode( "address" => stripChars($ref->{'address'}), "city" => stripChars($ref->{'city'}), "state" => stripChars($ref->{'state'}), "zip" => stripChars($ref->{'postal'}) ); my $lat; my $lng; eval { $lat = $results[0]{geometry}{location}{lat}; }; eval { $lng = $results[0]{geometry}{location}{lng}; }; print "id: $ref->{'id'} returntext?: $returntext error?: $error lat: $lat lng: $lng\n"; if ($error eq 'OVER_QUERY_LIMIT') { last; } if (($lat) && ($lng)) { $lat = $dbh->quote($lat); $lng = $dbh->quote($lng); my $upd_q = "UPDATE sb_locations SET lat = $lat, lng = $lng WHERE id = $ref->{'id'}"; my $sth2 = &db_query($upd_q); $sth2->finish(); } $ctr++; if (($ctr%10)==0) { print "sleeping\n"; sleep 5; } } $sth->finish(); undef ($sql); undef ($sth); $dbh->disconnect(); sub stripChars { my($text) = @_; $text =~ s/^\s*//; # strip out leading space if there is one $text =~ s/\n/ /g; # strip carraige returns $text =~ s/\t/ /g; # strip tabs $text =~ s/\a/ /g; # strip carraige returns $text =~ s/"/'/g; # strip quotes and replace with single quotes $text =~ s/\s+/ /g; # strip repeating spaces and replace with one $text =~ s/[^[:ascii:]]+//g; return ($text); } # end sub strip chars sub db_query { my ($query) = @_; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("$query"); #print $query; $sth->execute; #print $dbh->err; my $err = $dbh->err; my $errstr = $dbh->errstr; if ($err) { print "$err: $errstr on query $query"; } return $sth; } # end sub db_query
Monday, February 27, 2017
Geocode a batch of addresses with perl and Google
I am working with this store locator and needed a way to geocode 7k addresses, so I wrote this quick-n-dirty script. Google only lets you geocode 2500 addresses a day. The script will start where it left off, then quit when you hit the query limit. So it feasibly could be run on a cron until all your addresses are coded.
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